Photo by S. Ochoa

The Philippine Heritage Council of Manitoba (PHCM), Inc. is a non-profit, cultural group comprised of representatives from over 35 member organizations and individuals within the Filipino-Canadian community in Winnipeg.

It works actively to commemorate and celebrate the Philippines' independence from centuries under Spanish colonial rule (June 12, 1898). Since its inception in 1963, it has branched its role further in the community from week-long events during the month of June to now include year-round celebrations, events, and information sessions in support of heritage, multiculturalism, and positive acculturation.

See PHCM Constitution and By-Laws.

PHCM Officers (2011-2012)

President: Perla T. Javate
Vice President: Darlyne Bautista
Secretary: Helen Jayme
Asst. Secretary: Enrico Ancheta
Treasurer: Linda Ramos

Asst. Treasurer: Luisa Igne  LuisaLuLuisa Ig Lui Luisa Luisa
Public Relations:  (for fo